clwswd`s Blog

from clwswd at 30. May 2023 19:19 o`clock  ·  Comments: 0
from clwswd at 2. May 2023 22:49 o`clock  ·  Comments: 2
first of all i am vegeta second of all your not vegeta third of all you wanna be vegeta but you cant be vegeta because i'm vegeta
from clwswd at 28. April 2023 04:48 o`clock  ·  Comments: 3
from clwswd at 20. April 2023 06:29 o`clock  ·  Comments: 5
i hate myself so much for writing this, and on my own website? not really cool, but i need to let this out. i can't keep bottling up my feelings, because no matter how much i try to avoid them; they always come back to get me. every day is the exact same, and nothing is different. after a while; all my accomplishments are in the past, and don't matter. nothing i do will ever make a difference in this disgusting, pathetic place. because we all are slowly rotting away, in every way possible. our bodies are slowly decaying, our world is slowly rotting, and we all know it. this place makes me sick. there is absolutely no purpose in doing anything, besides surviving, which is inevitably impossible. none of us survive this place, and we never will. no matter how many people waste their lives away here. people have nothing better to do than scar others with their absolute bleakness, and over the smallest of things. it doesn't matter if someone is another race, it doesn't matter whether they are rich; or poor, and it doesn't matter if someone is male; or female. we all bleed pools of red, and we will all die no matter our attempts to resist. i don...
from clwswd at 18. April 2023 21:54 o`clock  ·  Comments: 2
from clwswd at 18. April 2023 20:19 o`clock  ·  Comments: 4
from clwswd at 15. April 2023 07:06 o`clock  ·  Comments: 3


(i will be explaining everything like ur a toddler LOL)

here's a tut on how to make a basic simple profile if you do not know html/css (code): 

in this tutorial, my goal is to easily describe how to add; a background, a banner, an animated profile picture, photos and gifs, borders/glowing borders, floating images, a loading screen/photo, tabs, music/playlists, embeds, fun colors, fonts, and more to your profile!!


  • chapter 1 - the basics (colors, body, background, banner, and footer).
     - step 1: background image
     - step 2: banner
     - step 3: footer
     - step 4: colors
       + section a: RBG color code
       + section b: color code in wording

  • chapter 2 - the fun bit (decor, animations, photos and gifs, borders, loading screens, music/playlists, embeds, etc).
    step 5: animat...